Monday, February 25, 2013

Regular Outlet to Pocket Charge

I know this is hasn't just happened to me. It is always the worst times or the time that you can't seem to find them anywhere, that you need them most. Picture yourself, at a pageant trying to curl your hair when suddenly some other girl takes your outlet or someone blows a fuse. How about game days, when the service is constantly searching and your phone goes dead and you want to go out with your friends.... you need an outlet.It is always the worst times in the world when you need an outlet and you can never find one. Yes they have extention chords which are all fine and dandy, but that doesn't ever help me.. I mean you have to have an outlet to use an extension chord. That is why I designed a Pocket Charge. It essentially is an outlet, but battery powered. It uses tripple A batteries and can easily fit into a pocket. It also has the nice feautre of sliding out into 4 seperate, but connect quadrants, so if you had multiple things that needed to charge or wanted to share you could do that too. The pocket charge also features two different type of outlets, just in case you have that weird plug with the third wheel on it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How do you get someone to stay.. but you have never even met...

You’re in a bar one evening. You’re alone. You’re not involved romantically with anyone. Suddenly, someone walks in and the two of you lock eyes. You know instinctively, with every fiber of your being, that this is the person you must spend the rest of your life with. This is your chance. You begin to think about how you’ll figure out a way to introduce yourself when suddenly – you realize that this person of your dreams isn’t sitting down! Instead, your soulmate just came in to ask directions from the bartender and will be leaving in seconds. In a desperate act, you quickly grab a cocktail napkin from the bar and have just enough time to write five words that will convince this person that the two of you are destined for one another.

... My Last Meal Forever

So, if you had to choose your last meal before heading to death row... have you ever thought what it might be? It is interesting to think about, because nothing matters anymore, not the calorie count, not if you are allergic, you can eat anything in the world! For me I would choose my favorite meals and snacks!

Small Bowl                                                                             
As you can see, My Last meal on Death row would be a Grilled Cheese with French Fries with my Condiment being Ketchup. This is my all time favorite meal, I eat a grilled cheese when I go out to eat. To me nothing beats a good grilled cheese with fries. I chose Ketchup as my condiment, because I recently developed an allergy to tomatoes. This was like the saddest day of my life when I figured out I couldn't eat Ketchup anymore, but since it would be my last day on Earth.. who cares if I swell up as big as the girl from Willi Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!!  A Blue Moon Mango Margarita, doesn't that just sound delicious. I know this choice could be a risky one because I am not sure if you can drink an alcoholic beverage beforing kicking the bucket, but I thought if I am on death row the least they could do is give me a margarita, maybe ease the pain a little haha just kidding. Now For my side like snack I would choose Cheddar and Sour Cream Baked lays dipped in Honey Mustard. I know it does not sound like the best combination but don't hate until your try... because it its AWESOME!! I eat that combination almost everyday for lunch! Finally for dessert I would eat Reese cups. 1 King size packages. Not only do I love Reese's I could eat them all day everyday, but also because they remind me of my Dad! He eats them all the time.. and though since I would be on Death Row, this probably isn't his proudest moment for me, I would still like to think of him during that time! This meal is such an assortment of things, but all my favorite food in one meal! Since I am getting ready to walk down death row my calories do not matter, I have no worries... well about food that is! However for fun lets see the Calorie count in each item!
Grilled Cheese and Fries: 800 calories
10 tbs of Ketchup: 150
Blue Moon Mango Margarita: 600 calories
Small Bag of Baked Lays: 130 calories
5 tbs Of Honey Mustard: 300 calories
Reese's: 400 calories

Random Text

The response was expected, mainly because this is my friend. With this text I didn't want to choose just someone in my phone, I wanted it to be more unexpected, so I asked one of my other friends to think of a number and that was the contact I was going to text....well it ended up being one of my close friends that graduated in December. I think her response is what I should have respected. I think it reflects both me and her as a person. Mostly because I know her personality and our relationship is really close, but if I sent this text to a person I didn't know so well....well they might think I am really odd or a stalker. I know if I received a text from someone I didn't know that well, I might be a little creeped out, not reply or maybe if they caught me on a good day it could spark a conversation! Even though she is one of my good friends and she responded with a smile, I think she would have responded differently if it wasn't me sending the text. She knows me and that I am a random person. I say random things and out there things all the time so receiving this text from me probably just made her day and reminded her of seeing me everyday! Well that is what I hope!