Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Paying My Respect

So, I went to the graveyard right across from the stadium not knowing what to expect. I had no idea that the graves were that old. Anyway, I didn't have anything particular I was looking for when I went, I just kind of just went with my gut feeling. I was walking around and I had made a couple laps, and I just couldn't find a certain one I wanted to set my flowers on. Then I see these 5 bright clean white marble stones and I was just drawn to them. It ended up being a family a Father, Mother, and Three Daughters. Ironic because I am the middle child of 2 sisters, so I also come from a family of 5. That then made me start to think, do I want to have my tombestone by my family or did something happen where there wasn't a choice, but someone made that for them? It was something I had never really thought about, but I couldn't get off my mind. I am extremely family oriented, so I know that I want to be with my family forever, but what if I have a family of my own by that time, it has to be so hard to choose. That is why I would want to be remembered for the love I had for my family. No matter if it was my sisters, mom and dad, or my own family, I think family is so important. My sisters and I always say "Ohana" which means family, which no one gets left behind (yes we got that from lilo and stitch), but it is so meaningful, and that is how I felt at that particular moment. They were family and always would be a family.


When most people go on a diet, they stick to fruits and vegetables to eat clean and healthier. However, sometimes even the choice of fruit can be bad, for example, Banana's. Banana's are great for potassium and helping cramps, but if you are trying to lose weight (especially water weight) Banana's are not the fruit for you. They actually make you maintain water and cause bloating. Although, a Banana is a definite better choice than chips or cookies, if you  have a nice date to go on or trying to squeeze into a dress for a cocktail, I would grab an apple or blueberries instead!

So, I was caught at publix putting this warning on the Bananas.. needless to say they were not appreciative. Luckily they just told me not to do that and asked me to leave, so then I was scared to try some where else.. so I put this warning lable on the bananas at the sorority house. Approximately 300 girls walk through the house each day, and a lot of the girls since it is summer are trying to lose weight, or they have date parties they are going to, so I thought it would be informative to them that, bananas actually can make you gain weight if you are not carful!

Lost Flyer

Monday, April 22, 2013


So I have this rabbits foot key chain, I know kind of out of style, but my mom got it for me and I am one to believe in superstitions, so I decided I would add it to my keys. Everyone knows that rabbit feet are supposed to bring good luck, and I am a firm believer in that, especially now... after this past weekend.

My day started out Friday.. I woke up late and had to rush to class and typically the day I had a test. I  grabbed my keys and sprinted out the door, and that is is when my dooms day in this case weekend began. Like I sad as I was grabbing my keys when the unthinkable happened... my rabbits foot broke off from the chain that held it together not thinking about it I left the foot on the floor and headed out the door. Well, needless to say, I was late for my test.. and completely studied the wrong chapters for my test, so even though my day was rough I was looking forward to a fun relaxing weekend. Well long story short. I never glued my rabbits foot back together before the weekend. So here were the rest of the chain of events over the weeeknd


  • Locked My Keys in My Car
  • Bought groceries... The bag with the Salsa Broke.. Down went the Salsa
  • Went out with friends.. As I was walking to the bar.. My Heel broke and down I fell.. ripping a hole in my favorite pair of white pants.. not to mention scraping my hands and knees
  • My car was hit in my parking lot... it was a hit and run
  • ID turned down at JD's... can I mention I am 22
  • Lost my phone... and my dignity
  • Hit Rock Bottom
  • Woke-Up around 11
  • Looked back on the weekend... and how much bad luck I had....
  • Glued the rabbits foot back together
  • Around 3:30 I found 200 dollars in a purse!
Needless to say.. I do not think these chain of events were just conincidental. Rabbits feet are good luck.. so my advice is go out and buy one!! And if you already have one... If it breaks BEWARE

Hannah Muncher Project 2 Blog



The Breakfast Club (1985) : Genre: Film
A group of 5 high school students, who all share saturday detention together.
Though all from different high school clicks, come to realize that they are deeper than the typical stereotype. Much like The Perks of Being a Wallflower, coming to know yourself in High School.

Dazed and Confused (1993): Genre: 

High School setting, based on drugs and the risky behavior High School Teenagers experiment with, much like in The Perks of Being a Wall Flower, when they behave in a rebelish way to experience a knew meaning of life.

Pretty in Pink (1986): Genre: Film

"Pretty in Pink" is a teen-romantic comedy, facing the challenge of social clique's and love. In 
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, you see this challenge of teenage love portrayed through the film and the challenges it brings.

The Graduate (1967): Genre: Film
Though this movie is based on a college Graduate, it still tells the story of coming to know yourself, while facing the challenge of where one belongs in society. in Perks of Being a Wallflower, high school seniors are about to graduate leaving them with a sense of insecurity in where they will belong after High School.


Bright Light Bigger City: Ceelo Green: Genre: Song
I thought of this song during the movie especially when Charlie stands in the back of the truck going down the road. I just felt like that song should be playing or he should be singing.

17 Magazine: Genre: Magazine
In "Perks of Being a Wallflower" the way the movie was edited together, I felt like I was reading an issue of 17 magazine. The ups and the downs of a teenager, writer letters to an unknown audience.

How to Kill a Mocking Bird: Genre: Book
There was a lot of literary works mentioned in " The Perks of Being a Wallflower" However I thought of this book during the movie, because of the title. Both titles are very important to the movie/ book, but not what one is expecting. Metaphorical

Cults: Genre: Group

During the acceptance of Charlie, in the movie. It reminded me of a Cult and it's initiaion. Dark cloaks, weird chants.

John Anderson: Newsday
Regardless of the viewer's proximity to his or her own high school experience, "Perks" seems to get it right, precisely because it's not about a specific time or place.

Ian Buckwalter: Atlantic
Perks seems like the work of a much more experienced director, maintaining fidelity to the source material without sacrificing any cinematic qualities, triggering genuine sentimentality and nostalgia through interaction between sound and image.

@Nicsweatt rt:I dance exclusively like Charlie in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."