Monday, April 22, 2013


So I have this rabbits foot key chain, I know kind of out of style, but my mom got it for me and I am one to believe in superstitions, so I decided I would add it to my keys. Everyone knows that rabbit feet are supposed to bring good luck, and I am a firm believer in that, especially now... after this past weekend.

My day started out Friday.. I woke up late and had to rush to class and typically the day I had a test. I  grabbed my keys and sprinted out the door, and that is is when my dooms day in this case weekend began. Like I sad as I was grabbing my keys when the unthinkable happened... my rabbits foot broke off from the chain that held it together not thinking about it I left the foot on the floor and headed out the door. Well, needless to say, I was late for my test.. and completely studied the wrong chapters for my test, so even though my day was rough I was looking forward to a fun relaxing weekend. Well long story short. I never glued my rabbits foot back together before the weekend. So here were the rest of the chain of events over the weeeknd


  • Locked My Keys in My Car
  • Bought groceries... The bag with the Salsa Broke.. Down went the Salsa
  • Went out with friends.. As I was walking to the bar.. My Heel broke and down I fell.. ripping a hole in my favorite pair of white pants.. not to mention scraping my hands and knees
  • My car was hit in my parking lot... it was a hit and run
  • ID turned down at JD's... can I mention I am 22
  • Lost my phone... and my dignity
  • Hit Rock Bottom
  • Woke-Up around 11
  • Looked back on the weekend... and how much bad luck I had....
  • Glued the rabbits foot back together
  • Around 3:30 I found 200 dollars in a purse!
Needless to say.. I do not think these chain of events were just conincidental. Rabbits feet are good luck.. so my advice is go out and buy one!! And if you already have one... If it breaks BEWARE

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