Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Paying My Respect

So, I went to the graveyard right across from the stadium not knowing what to expect. I had no idea that the graves were that old. Anyway, I didn't have anything particular I was looking for when I went, I just kind of just went with my gut feeling. I was walking around and I had made a couple laps, and I just couldn't find a certain one I wanted to set my flowers on. Then I see these 5 bright clean white marble stones and I was just drawn to them. It ended up being a family a Father, Mother, and Three Daughters. Ironic because I am the middle child of 2 sisters, so I also come from a family of 5. That then made me start to think, do I want to have my tombestone by my family or did something happen where there wasn't a choice, but someone made that for them? It was something I had never really thought about, but I couldn't get off my mind. I am extremely family oriented, so I know that I want to be with my family forever, but what if I have a family of my own by that time, it has to be so hard to choose. That is why I would want to be remembered for the love I had for my family. No matter if it was my sisters, mom and dad, or my own family, I think family is so important. My sisters and I always say "Ohana" which means family, which no one gets left behind (yes we got that from lilo and stitch), but it is so meaningful, and that is how I felt at that particular moment. They were family and always would be a family.


When most people go on a diet, they stick to fruits and vegetables to eat clean and healthier. However, sometimes even the choice of fruit can be bad, for example, Banana's. Banana's are great for potassium and helping cramps, but if you are trying to lose weight (especially water weight) Banana's are not the fruit for you. They actually make you maintain water and cause bloating. Although, a Banana is a definite better choice than chips or cookies, if you  have a nice date to go on or trying to squeeze into a dress for a cocktail, I would grab an apple or blueberries instead!

So, I was caught at publix putting this warning on the Bananas.. needless to say they were not appreciative. Luckily they just told me not to do that and asked me to leave, so then I was scared to try some where else.. so I put this warning lable on the bananas at the sorority house. Approximately 300 girls walk through the house each day, and a lot of the girls since it is summer are trying to lose weight, or they have date parties they are going to, so I thought it would be informative to them that, bananas actually can make you gain weight if you are not carful!

Lost Flyer

Monday, April 22, 2013


So I have this rabbits foot key chain, I know kind of out of style, but my mom got it for me and I am one to believe in superstitions, so I decided I would add it to my keys. Everyone knows that rabbit feet are supposed to bring good luck, and I am a firm believer in that, especially now... after this past weekend.

My day started out Friday.. I woke up late and had to rush to class and typically the day I had a test. I  grabbed my keys and sprinted out the door, and that is is when my dooms day in this case weekend began. Like I sad as I was grabbing my keys when the unthinkable happened... my rabbits foot broke off from the chain that held it together not thinking about it I left the foot on the floor and headed out the door. Well, needless to say, I was late for my test.. and completely studied the wrong chapters for my test, so even though my day was rough I was looking forward to a fun relaxing weekend. Well long story short. I never glued my rabbits foot back together before the weekend. So here were the rest of the chain of events over the weeeknd


  • Locked My Keys in My Car
  • Bought groceries... The bag with the Salsa Broke.. Down went the Salsa
  • Went out with friends.. As I was walking to the bar.. My Heel broke and down I fell.. ripping a hole in my favorite pair of white pants.. not to mention scraping my hands and knees
  • My car was hit in my parking lot... it was a hit and run
  • ID turned down at JD's... can I mention I am 22
  • Lost my phone... and my dignity
  • Hit Rock Bottom
  • Woke-Up around 11
  • Looked back on the weekend... and how much bad luck I had....
  • Glued the rabbits foot back together
  • Around 3:30 I found 200 dollars in a purse!
Needless to say.. I do not think these chain of events were just conincidental. Rabbits feet are good luck.. so my advice is go out and buy one!! And if you already have one... If it breaks BEWARE

Hannah Muncher Project 2 Blog



The Breakfast Club (1985) : Genre: Film
A group of 5 high school students, who all share saturday detention together.
Though all from different high school clicks, come to realize that they are deeper than the typical stereotype. Much like The Perks of Being a Wallflower, coming to know yourself in High School.

Dazed and Confused (1993): Genre: 

High School setting, based on drugs and the risky behavior High School Teenagers experiment with, much like in The Perks of Being a Wall Flower, when they behave in a rebelish way to experience a knew meaning of life.

Pretty in Pink (1986): Genre: Film

"Pretty in Pink" is a teen-romantic comedy, facing the challenge of social clique's and love. In 
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, you see this challenge of teenage love portrayed through the film and the challenges it brings.

The Graduate (1967): Genre: Film
Though this movie is based on a college Graduate, it still tells the story of coming to know yourself, while facing the challenge of where one belongs in society. in Perks of Being a Wallflower, high school seniors are about to graduate leaving them with a sense of insecurity in where they will belong after High School.


Bright Light Bigger City: Ceelo Green: Genre: Song
I thought of this song during the movie especially when Charlie stands in the back of the truck going down the road. I just felt like that song should be playing or he should be singing.

17 Magazine: Genre: Magazine
In "Perks of Being a Wallflower" the way the movie was edited together, I felt like I was reading an issue of 17 magazine. The ups and the downs of a teenager, writer letters to an unknown audience.

How to Kill a Mocking Bird: Genre: Book
There was a lot of literary works mentioned in " The Perks of Being a Wallflower" However I thought of this book during the movie, because of the title. Both titles are very important to the movie/ book, but not what one is expecting. Metaphorical

Cults: Genre: Group

During the acceptance of Charlie, in the movie. It reminded me of a Cult and it's initiaion. Dark cloaks, weird chants.

John Anderson: Newsday
Regardless of the viewer's proximity to his or her own high school experience, "Perks" seems to get it right, precisely because it's not about a specific time or place.

Ian Buckwalter: Atlantic
Perks seems like the work of a much more experienced director, maintaining fidelity to the source material without sacrificing any cinematic qualities, triggering genuine sentimentality and nostalgia through interaction between sound and image.

@Nicsweatt rt:I dance exclusively like Charlie in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."

Sunday, March 10, 2013

8 crayon colors that describe me

I am a very unusual Person. I am very hard to read, but easy to get along with. I am a Piscese if that gives you any indication of what goes on through my head, or my personality. If I could explain my life in 8 different colors I would choose these colors with these specific names.

DIVALICIOUS: This color describes my inner diva, My "Sasha Fierce" when you first meet me you wouldn't expect me to have this Diva, all eyes on me type personality, but it comes out every now and then

MYSTERIOUS MAY: This color describes my personality becaues I am very mysterious. I have a great poker face. You never know what I am thinking, what I might be scheming, I am hard to read.

PUPPY LOVE: I like this color because I have a really big heart. This color is soft and warm, and I am very kind hearted and look for the best in everyone.

GLASS HALF FULL: I always try to be optimistic because nothing is ever as bad as it might seem. I think this color represents that!

TAN BARBIE: I love to be tan, and I love summer. I am a girly girl. I like curling my hair, wearing dresses, and make-up. This color is the ultmate girl color.

A STAR IS BORN: I still think I am going to be famous. I have a huge personality, just waiting for my opportune moment to make it in the Show Business. I love to dance, sing, and be on stage. 

SMILES ARE WORTH 1000 Words: I am bright and energetic. Always full of energy trying to brighten other peoples day, trying to make them smile. Making people happy is something I love to do, even if I am not in the best of moods, to see other smile, just makes me happy!

DO YOU BELIEVE  : I believe falling in love and being in love is and will be on of the most magical experiences. I guess you can say I am a romanitc, but just seeing true love makes me happy, and makes me believe that it can and will happen one day, and that includes loving yourself.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Regular Outlet to Pocket Charge

I know this is hasn't just happened to me. It is always the worst times or the time that you can't seem to find them anywhere, that you need them most. Picture yourself, at a pageant trying to curl your hair when suddenly some other girl takes your outlet or someone blows a fuse. How about game days, when the service is constantly searching and your phone goes dead and you want to go out with your friends.... you need an outlet.It is always the worst times in the world when you need an outlet and you can never find one. Yes they have extention chords which are all fine and dandy, but that doesn't ever help me.. I mean you have to have an outlet to use an extension chord. That is why I designed a Pocket Charge. It essentially is an outlet, but battery powered. It uses tripple A batteries and can easily fit into a pocket. It also has the nice feautre of sliding out into 4 seperate, but connect quadrants, so if you had multiple things that needed to charge or wanted to share you could do that too. The pocket charge also features two different type of outlets, just in case you have that weird plug with the third wheel on it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How do you get someone to stay.. but you have never even met...

You’re in a bar one evening. You’re alone. You’re not involved romantically with anyone. Suddenly, someone walks in and the two of you lock eyes. You know instinctively, with every fiber of your being, that this is the person you must spend the rest of your life with. This is your chance. You begin to think about how you’ll figure out a way to introduce yourself when suddenly – you realize that this person of your dreams isn’t sitting down! Instead, your soulmate just came in to ask directions from the bartender and will be leaving in seconds. In a desperate act, you quickly grab a cocktail napkin from the bar and have just enough time to write five words that will convince this person that the two of you are destined for one another.

... My Last Meal Forever

So, if you had to choose your last meal before heading to death row... have you ever thought what it might be? It is interesting to think about, because nothing matters anymore, not the calorie count, not if you are allergic, you can eat anything in the world! For me I would choose my favorite meals and snacks!

Small Bowl                                                                             
As you can see, My Last meal on Death row would be a Grilled Cheese with French Fries with my Condiment being Ketchup. This is my all time favorite meal, I eat a grilled cheese when I go out to eat. To me nothing beats a good grilled cheese with fries. I chose Ketchup as my condiment, because I recently developed an allergy to tomatoes. This was like the saddest day of my life when I figured out I couldn't eat Ketchup anymore, but since it would be my last day on Earth.. who cares if I swell up as big as the girl from Willi Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!!  A Blue Moon Mango Margarita, doesn't that just sound delicious. I know this choice could be a risky one because I am not sure if you can drink an alcoholic beverage beforing kicking the bucket, but I thought if I am on death row the least they could do is give me a margarita, maybe ease the pain a little haha just kidding. Now For my side like snack I would choose Cheddar and Sour Cream Baked lays dipped in Honey Mustard. I know it does not sound like the best combination but don't hate until your try... because it its AWESOME!! I eat that combination almost everyday for lunch! Finally for dessert I would eat Reese cups. 1 King size packages. Not only do I love Reese's I could eat them all day everyday, but also because they remind me of my Dad! He eats them all the time.. and though since I would be on Death Row, this probably isn't his proudest moment for me, I would still like to think of him during that time! This meal is such an assortment of things, but all my favorite food in one meal! Since I am getting ready to walk down death row my calories do not matter, I have no worries... well about food that is! However for fun lets see the Calorie count in each item!
Grilled Cheese and Fries: 800 calories
10 tbs of Ketchup: 150
Blue Moon Mango Margarita: 600 calories
Small Bag of Baked Lays: 130 calories
5 tbs Of Honey Mustard: 300 calories
Reese's: 400 calories

Random Text

The response was expected, mainly because this is my friend. With this text I didn't want to choose just someone in my phone, I wanted it to be more unexpected, so I asked one of my other friends to think of a number and that was the contact I was going to text....well it ended up being one of my close friends that graduated in December. I think her response is what I should have respected. I think it reflects both me and her as a person. Mostly because I know her personality and our relationship is really close, but if I sent this text to a person I didn't know so well....well they might think I am really odd or a stalker. I know if I received a text from someone I didn't know that well, I might be a little creeped out, not reply or maybe if they caught me on a good day it could spark a conversation! Even though she is one of my good friends and she responded with a smile, I think she would have responded differently if it wasn't me sending the text. She knows me and that I am a random person. I say random things and out there things all the time so receiving this text from me probably just made her day and reminded her of seeing me everyday! Well that is what I hope!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Once Upon a Time....

Once upon a time there was a whimsical girl borned named, Hannah, in a far far far away Kingdom, like a whole hour away from Tuscaloosa. Yep, that's right an entire hour away. I am sure you are thinking "what an eye opening life she lived" hahah jokes. Anyway, this kingdom she lived in was the typical kingdom you would find in Alabama. A small town where everyone knew everyboyd. However, Hannah was different. As a young girl she traveled a lot to different places expressing herself through dane adn the arts. She knew growing up she wanted to live in a different place... That's why she grew up and atteneded The University of Alabama. What a culture shock right? Haha well for her it was. She was now a small fish in a huge pond. Hannah, coming to college was very shy and timid, but college gave her the confidence she needed to express herself and come out of her shell. See growing up she had very strict parents and always did what they wanted her to do and not what she loved, and though Tuscaloosa, Alabama is not what most people think as a culture change.. it was for her. It was there she met her best friends who are all from different kingdoms and if it wasn't for them she would still be stuck in her small town bubble doing what her parents wanted her to do. Now Hannah is a Senior at Alabama and can not wait to start her journey to a new Kingdom far far away.. an yes more than an hour away. She wants to dance whereever she goes and also work with a non-profit organizations in event management, and maybe along the way find her Prince Charming.. But that is for another Chapter!